Looking for James Franco
James Franco , the great James Franco ...should I present him as an actor, filmmaker, teacher , author , or painter . Im so confused and uncapble to mention all his talents , so i would say James is a an Artist.seriously Im in love , impressed , astonished by the beauty of this human being , i guess that i can understand that actors find intersts in all movie making specialities such directing and filmaking industry history or technologies . i could also understand his love for painting , every actor should find a way to express more his feelings and be in touch with his inner images . but teaching what a surprise ?
in 2011 James Franco supervised a course at Film School Columbia College Hollywood, called “Master Class: Editing James Franco…with James Franco.” He appeared via Skype to help edit a 30 minute documentary about 127 Hours. The real reason he Skyped in isn't that he was just a very busy actor/student/writer etc., its that he was also teaching philosophy and math at an inner city school, a la Michelle Pfeiffer inDangerous Minds.
i would give everything to be his student (if you know what i mean)

Paint me baby , ill pose for you ( :D )
Franco volunteers for the Art of Elysium charity and has taught a class at New York University in feature filmmaking and production. In 2013, he began teaching a course in short film production at the University of Southern California and a course in screenwriting at his alma mater, University of California, Los Angeles, where he is also an adjunct professor of English. He is currently a PhD candidate at Yale University. (best of luck baby)

when i knew that he was the son of a writer and actress, and a father,who ran a Silicon Valley business , i began to understand the flowed talent of James , even his love for painting he get it for granma , owner of the Verne Art Gallery, a prominent art gallery in Cleveland
He dated Marla Sokoloff for 5 years , it didnt work , she is married now to another guy hahahaha , i dont know why im smiling but i feel like its good news , then he dated Ahna O Reilly , and i guess that he was busy in 2011 in his teaching schedule and she couldnt cope with that fact ( so they broke up) youuuupiiiii :D some rumors said that he was dating ashley benson but i guess he is just being charming and cute with his costars ... (crossing fingers ) im jocking people , i think that James Franco is a wonderfum person , and i would love to see him happy and engaged with a girl that would love him and be honored to take his name .
I guess that James is a smart person , with a cute sens of humor , he knows exactly what to show and what to hide “My public persona is something that is only partially constructed by me, so if people want to mock that, it's fine. I mock it.” - James Franco
but why James Franco and not Ryan Gosling ? simply cause the heart deosnt choose and Im not keeping a lock on my Heart , I LOVE YOU James Franco , with your beautiful smart and your facial expression , when you pull your tongue out of your mouth to play the dead person , when you kiss me in the car , when you call me late at night , when you travel hundred of kilometers to surprise me while im working , when you hold me for hours , when you play with my hair and tell me that you cant live without me , when you wake up early in the morning to see me , when you take care of me when im sick ......euh what am I talking about? Imust be dreaming about another James Franco , my Own James Franco ...I wish that he exists ! Oh my god , I wish I can stop dreaming ! so I LOVE YOU James , now you know that I will always do , no matter what life is bringing , may be ill have kids that are not yours , but I will always love you .
- pride and prejudice
- passage to india
- roots
- eat pray love
- the note book
- le rouge et le noir
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